Waste Contractors
Recyclers Association of NSW

Employment Relations

WCRA is a registered industrial body of employers under the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 and under NSW Industrial Relations Act 1996.

The Federal Waste Management Award 2010, commenced on 1 January 2010.  Please click on this link to view the latest copy of this Award now known as the Federal Waste Management Award 2020. Updated 1 July 2023.

WCRA is committed to assisting its Members with ensuring compliance with industrial relations matters and can assist Members on a wide range of workplace relations issues, providing services, information and advice on the following:

•    Enterprise agreement including the concept of good faith bargain and Unions' rights to represent employees
      and union right of entry;
•    Representation before Fair Work Commission and NSW Industrial Relations Commission for unfair dismissal applications
      and industrial disputes;
•    Representations to the Fair Work Ombudsman;
•    Managing employee grievances and counselling issues in the workplace;
•    Strategic planning for managing workplace restructure and change including redundancy and transmission of
•    Advice on compliance with waste industry awards and the transition to the Federal Modern Awards and the
     National Employment Standards;
•    Updates on important relevant decisions by Fair Work Commission;
•    Advice on subcontractor and owner-driver arrangements;
•    Dealing with work, health and safety issues and workers compensation claims; and
•    Industry Briefings and seminars on updates to workplace law.

WCRA is recognised as the peak employer association representing the interests of its Members in the NSW waste industry.

WCRA’s representatives are involved in negotiations with the Union and dealings with Government bodies such as the Fair Work Commission and the Fair Work Ombudsman on industrial issues and workplace law changes that affect our Members and the industry in general.

To assist WCRA and Members with employment relations and legal matters, WCRA has an agreement with Fishburn Watson O'Brien

Should you require any workplace relations advice please feel free to phone us on (02) 9604-7206 or send us an email at memberservices@wcra.com.au